Editorial Policies

Welcome to encasodeaccidente.com, En Caso de Accidente Law Firm’s official website. We pride ourselves on providing a trustworth content for all our readers and clients out there in the United States, specifically in Texas and California. Our thriving on keeping the highest standards on the content we share to our clients and readers are depicted within the editorial policies we stick on. Mario Davila, el abogado de la raza who founded En Caso de Accidente verifies himself each piece of content we create before we publish it.

The following is a list of the main characteristics that make En Caso de Accidente’s written content pieces of trustworthy legal diffusion.

1. Accuracy and credibility

  • Our main goal is to provide our readers precise and up to date information. In order to achieve this, we thrive to gain perfection on the content we share to our readers and clients.
  • You will find the sources of the numbers, data, and statistics we offer on our website. All of our sources are official in order to provide a trustworthy piece of information.
  • Before publication, every content provided by guest writers or external collaborators undergoes rigorous fact-checking.

2. Transparency

  • Transparency is one of our core values. That is why we are committed to disclose to you any conflicts of interest or relevant affiliations concerning the content we share.
  • In order to maintain transparency, we’ll identify any sponsored content, advertisement, or material driven by commercial interests.

3. Relevance y value

  • We know that our readers need relevant and rightful information. That is the reason that the content we present is designed to be directly relevant. Our aim is to provide valuable insights, practical advice, and useful resources for personal injury issues.
  •  We refrain ourselves from excessive self-promotion and content that deviates from the focus and purpose of the website.

4. Professionalism and respect

  • We maintain a professional and respectful tone in all of our content. Personal attacks, offensive language, or discriminatory comments are strictly prohibited.
  • Our content must respect the rights and sensitivities of individuals and communities. We will not publish content aiming to infringe privacy, incite violence, or promote hatred.

5. Originality and plagiarism

  • Originality is an essential aspect of our content. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All contributions must be free from it, and any citation or reference from external sources must be appropriately attributed.
  • We employ plagiarism detection tools to ensure the authenticity of our content.

6. Legal compliance

  • Our content complies with local, national, and international laws. It does not promote or encourage illegal activities or provide misleading legal advice.
  • We will remove from our publishing calendar any content found to be in violation of applicable laws or regulations, restraining the publication.

7. Editorial review process

  • We subject all content to a meticulous editorial review process made by a team of editors and legal experts who thoroughly evaluates each piece to ensure its quality and accuracy.
  • Authors may be asked to make revisions to align their work with our policies before publication if needed.

8. Corrections and updates

  • We are committed to updating and correcting our content if errors are identified after publication in order to maintain accuracy.

9. Comments and research

  • We highly value our clients’ feedback, opinions, and research regarding our content and website.
  • To address any questions or concerns related to our editorial policies or published content, we invite you to contact us through the appropriate channels provided on the website.

By adhering to these editorial guidelines, we ensure that encasodeaccidente.com remains a reliable source of legal information that offers valuable resources to our readers, clients, and visitors. Thank you for being part of our great community.


Mario Davila’s En Caso de Accidente Law Firm